Monday, February 4, 2008

What it is like to have kids

For all you out there with Kids you will know this feeling. For those out there with out kids here is a view of what it is like some days.

So I am sitting hear as a very sad New Englander and have no interest in talking about how the game was. However in all black clouds there is a silver lining. For me that was the Iron Man new trailer. When I first saw the car from Speed Racer I was very excited but then I saw the first preview and once again I felt let down from he comic to movie writers. Well my faith has been restored with the newest trailer for Iron Man.
I was very excited when they picked Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. The truth is that Robert Downey Jr.'s real life almost follows Tony Starks, so he is perfect. The problem with these kind of movies is always how do you make a super hero look believable enough. Well as you can see from this trailer it looks like they have done it.